Samuel Chandler Parkinson
By Neva P. Swainston

Samuel Chandler Parkinson, son of Samuel Rose Parkinson and Arabella Ann Chandler, was born February 23, 1853 in St. Louis, Missouri. His parents left their homes in England - their mothers birthplace being Chethem and his father Lancastershire for the Gospels sake. They were married in St. Louis, Missouri and both secured work so they could get enough money together to bring them to Utah. Like most of the Saints, that was their greatest desire, to make their home in Zion. It was during this time in Missouri that their first child Samuel was born. Soon after this event they journeyed to Utah, he was two years old and of course shared the struggles and hardships of crossing the plains with his parents.

They settled at Kaysville, Utah in 1854 where they stayed several years. Several of their children were born there. From there they came to Franklin and like most of the early settlers here lived in small log cabin with a dirt roof with very little to get along with. The schools as we all know were very primitive, but both his father and mother were very interested in education and gave the children every advantage possible. His father had very little education but was a very hard worker and a good provider. He taught his children to work hard and earn an honest living.

When grandfather was quite young he married Mary Ann Hobbs in the Logan Temple. He was always religious and took an active part in the church at all times. It was after he was married and had a family that he fulfilled a mission for his church in the Southern States. As a child I remember him telling many interesting things about his mission.

He and grandmother raised a large family of six boys and seven girls. One girl died when she was very young. He was very kind and considerate of his wife. He provided her with a good home and plenty of the necessities of life. She was a wonderful woman, how well I remember her, she was a wonderful housekeeper and a good cook. She had a good voice and they had much singing and music in their home.

Grandfather gave his children all the advantages of higher education, and sent the boys on missions and the girls took music lessons, sewing and etc. He homesteaded the farm where Uncle Rowland is living now. All the land in the river bottom was sage brush which he cleared and made a fine farm of it. In addition to his farming he was also in the sheep business. At times he had as many as 1500 head. Father has told us many of his experiences with the sheep when he was but a boy.

Samuel was a lover of animals especially fine horses. He raised horses and matched teams to sell. He took great pride in caring for them. They were well fed and were fine looking. He loved to ride a nice horse. I can see him now out for his daily ride. He also had a surry and a cutter that he took pride in hitching a good team to and driving around the country. As one time he made a present of a beautiful black horse to Joseph F. Smith who was the President of our church at that time.

Besides his beautiful horses and other farm animals, he had deer, elk, and some beautiful peacocks on his place. This was really an attraction for passer-bys. The hi-way passed his place at that time and it was not uncommon to see tourists park their cars and watch the animals. It was a beautiful sight, the animals by the water in the mill race.

He owned a meat market at one time located where Cottle's store used to be. He enjoyed giving to the widows and helping the poor. He helped many of his friends and relatives out of financial difficulties and many times without security of any kind.

Grandfather was a fine looking man, with dark brown curly hair and beard and brown eyes. He was very neat and always well dressed. He stood erect and proud and usually he would wear a flower in his lapel of his coat. He always had candy in his pocket for the children and I can remember the many gifts he used to bring to us when he came home from one of his trips.

When he was young he like to box and wrestle and he loved dancing and good music. He played the accordian. He also loved to hunt, in the fall he usually went deer hunting and on one occasion he was hunting with Jim Handy and Arson Broadbent up in Cub River on the cliffs above Deer Cliff Inn. The deer got excited and wild and some of them plunged over the cliff where the Inn now stands. That is how it got the name of Deer Cliff.

He had many dealings and experience with the Indians of Cache Valley and he was good to them and learned to understand their language. He had many of their beautiful Navajo blankets in his home. After the terrible battle of Battle Creek his father took one of the children (whose parents were killed) into his home and raised him as one of his own. His name was Shem and he stayed in their home until he got restless and dissatisfied so he left and went back to his own tribe and there he died. Grandfather also remembered the occasion when Mary Ann Alder was run down by a drunken Indian on a horse and Ben Chadwick over took the red man and shot him. They had many exciting adventures with the red man both good and bad.

In 1906 Grandfather and his father Samuel R. attended the Worlds Fair in St. Louis. My father Albert was fortunate enough to be taken along with them and they had a wonderful time together. They visited relatives of the Parkinson family by the name of Berry. They owned and operated a large bakery in that city.

S.C. Parkinson was Bishop of the Franklin Ward for seven years. I have heard it told that during this time he did much good. At Christmas time he always killed a beef and distributed it among the widows, wives of missionaries and those in need, and it wasn't unusual for him to buy a car load of coal and do the same with it. I remember being to his place and seeing twelve butchered hogs laying in a row ready to be cut up and cured to be used where it was needed most and he always had at least twelve barrels of apples in his cellar in the fall. These things I know because I have seen them. He was also a commissioner of the County at the time.

Grandmother Parkinson died Dec. 12, 1912 and was buried the day before Christmas Myrtle and Roma were just children. Roma was about 11 and she was the baby. Grandfather was both father and mother to them. He later married Lulu Carpenter from Logan and she is still living.

I want to say here that Grandfather had a great sense of humor. He loved a good joke and a good laugh. He owned one of the first cars around this country, a large Studebaker and he later bought a Cadillac. He used to laugh and say he always wanted to take a car load when he went places so if had to get out and push he would have plenty of help.

When I was about 12 or 13 I remember father and I were going to conference in Preston with him, that was when we traveled the old highway to the worm creek hill which was quite steep. It had been raining the night before so when we arrived at the bottom of the hill he drove off the side of the road and said, "All right folks we'll walk the rest of the way." So we all piled out and proceeded to walk. We really felt foolish when along came a car, and picked us up and took us on to conference, and it happened to be my future father in-law and his family that gave us the lift. We have a good laugh about that very often.

When my sister Ella was just a child she used to go over after school and help Aunt Lulu. Grandfather brought her home on night in the car. He said, "Now Ella you get ready to jump when I slow known so I won't have to stop the car." Well she jumped and really took a tumble.

He paid his tithing and kept the Word of Wisdom, including going to bed at 9 0'Clock at night. When company would be there at night and 9 0'Clock would roll around he would say, "Well folks you are welcome to stay as long as you wish, but it is my bed time so I will leave you now."

In 1913 he left the farm and went to Salt Lake to make his home.

He died May 23, 1922 at the age of 69. He has five sons and four daughters still living. Albert, Leonard, Raymond, Bernice, Roland, Teress Brossard, Anita Smoot, Myrtle Russell and Roma Crawford. They all honor their fathers name. In our family gatherings it is always a pleasure to talk of the lives of their father S.C. Parkinson and wife Polly.

I am thankful that I knew my grandfather so well because he was an outstanding and very wonderful man.

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