Note: Print and copy these histories! No one knows how long this web page will last—10 years? 20 years? Paper has proved the most durable medium for preserving histories so far, so if we can get printouts in the file drawers of scattered family members, these stories are more likely to be there for our grandchildren. Putting them on floppies, CDs, etc., also increases the chance they will survive.
Note: Updated from November 2002 version to include information on courtship from Bernie R. Parkinson and information on Portland mission from Jens Westergaard, with a few additional small improvements to language and photos.
Permission granted to family members to use this history in your own not-for-profit family history publications. Please drop me a line to let me know how you're using it. All others write for permission.
B. R. was a son of Samuel and Polly. This brief history was recently discovered among the papers of B. R.'s widow Karma. Transcript courtesy of Ben Parkinson.
"Samuel Chandler Parkinson," by Neva Swainston
Neva was a daughter of Samuel and Polly's son Albert. Transcript courtesy of Julianne Parkinson Hatton.
"Samuel Chandler Parkinson," by Neva Swainston - Annotated
Karma Parkinson, with her husband Bernice (Samuel's son), corrected her copy of Neva's history and added three additional pages of notes. Transcript courtesy of Julianne Parkinson Hatton.
"Samuel Chandler Parkinson," compiled by Raymond C. and Viola B. Parkinson, 1964
Builds on Neva's history, Karma's notes, and original memories and research. Raymond was a son. Transcript courtesy of Julianne Parkinson Hatton.
"Samuel C. Parkinson," in Progressive Men of Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Fremont and Oneida Counties, Idaho (Chicago: A. W. Bowen & Co, 1904), 341-42
Fairly complete on Samuel, with many factual details missing from the others. Many dates (including Samuel's marriage) are off by a year. Transcript courtesy of Julianne Parkinson Hatton.
"Samuel C. Parkinson," in An Illustrated History of the State of Idaho (Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1899), 722–23 (no author or editor listed).
Good basic info, though more sketchy than the similar sketch in Pioneers and Progressive Men (below)
Obituary, Deseret News, 27 May 1922, p. 2.
Some info missing from the other sources. Transcript courtesy of Julianne Parkinson Hatton.
B. R. was a son of Polly and Samuel. This brief history was recently discovered among the papers of B. R.'s widow Karma. Transcript courtesy of Ben Parkinson.
"Mary Ann Hobbs Parkinson," possibly an obituary or funeral note
The copy of this in the DUP library says it was written by "Carma Parkinson" of Franklin, but a copy circulating in the family lists no author. I don't believe this could be Karma Parkinson because of the dates in the history. Transcript courtesy of Julianne Parkinson Hatton
Samuel labored without purse or scrip in Mississippi. Transcript courtesy of Mary Etta Parkinson. Annotated version of a portion of the journal with notes on locations by Mary Etta.
Note: If you have photos of Samuel C. or Mary Ann H. Parkinson or other family members that you would be willing to have scanned, contact Ben Parkinson, webmaster, at "feedback at" (replace "at" with "@").